My <3 in print
Hey.  If there's one thing about life, and your heart, it seems like it can always be expressed through art(which writing is:)).  I myself, love art.  I love to paint.  I also do classical ballet:)  And in both of them, my heart shows.  That's' how I thought of my sites' title.  My <3 (heart) in print. My thougths and feelings, in writing. I love to write poems about small things, unnoticed by everyone else. I love to write about details of a single plain moment, and put a twist on it so that people can see it in a different light.  I love digging deep within myself, bringing it out, and having people realize and feel what makes me tick:)  Kool;) HUH?? Yeah, by this time you can probably tell that I love to laugh:D (hint hint the sense of humor ;)) So, be free to comment galore:) HAVE FUN! isn't that what life's about?

     @ !\! Y @

    Heyy there! I like writing! You to? AH-WHOA-SOME!
    Blog and read on!
    thnx:)  P.S. those pretty pics were found on google images:) love em right?? :)


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    November 2010



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